Þekkingarnet Þingeyinga er símenntunar-, háskólaþjónustu- og rannsóknastofnun. Starfssvæði Þekkingarnetsins er Þingeyjarsýslur en aðsetur þess er á Húsavík. Mannaðar starfsstöðvar eru einnig á Þórshöfn og i Mývatnssveit. Þekkingarnet Þingeyinga býður upp á náms- og starfsráðgjöf, námskeiðahald og hefur milligöngu um námsleiðir og fræðslu fyrir fólk og vinnustaði. Stofnunin rekur fjarnámssetur með þjónustu og vinnuaðstöðu fyrir háskólanema á svæðinu. Einnig er stofnunin miðstöð rannsókna og hýsir til lengri og skemmri tíma fólk, stofnanir og fyrirtæki sem stunda rannsóknir í héraðinu.
Elderberry AB www.elderberry.nu undertakes development and strategic studies, authoring, testing, editing and publishing within: school, youth, adult, teacher, culture and heritage, often with socio-cultural and urban implications. Elderberry AB has experience in developing educational material for schools Education, heritage and culture, migrants and refugees and mobile learning. The company is experienced with traditional methods for educational material and training as with eLearning, mobile learning and eCulture. Elderberry AB specialise in developing and integrating contemporary educational methodology into their work such as; multiple intelligences and incorporating a problem- and scenario- based approach. They have their own Learning Management System for on-line scenario based training, which puts training in the perspective of real life situations.
The European Platform for International Cohesion (EPIC) is an NGO that was established in Italy in early 2020 to build on the experience of its members coming from various social and educational backgrounds to promote the values of European integration in all its social and economic facets. The core of the association is to promote awareness and ownership of the fundamental concepts of cohesion that stand behind the European Union. EPIC was founded by its members as a grassroot movement to counter the wave of the anti-European sentiment that started afflicting the dream of a United Europe to promote with small but concrete actions the values of European cohesion. The spirit behind EPIC is one of "togetherness" and unity in a particular moment of social distress of the European dream. The purpose of EPIC is hence to promote and instil European values of integration and cohesion. EPIC organises events of awareness among civil society and groups of citizens to provide concrete and valuable examples of the may positive opportunities of the European Union to inspire the population at large and share the values of European integration. The purpose of those activities is to promote engagement among various cohorts of target groups, ranging from youth to seniors.
IHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, is a non profit organisation established in Brussels (Belgium) in 2003. The principal aim of IHF is to provide the community (including non profit and local authorities) with assistance for the development of a wider international cooperation through activities of specialised training on European policies and the dissemination of European values. One of the means to reach this objective is the organisation of highly specialised courses and seminars focused at the development of European projects. The courses focus on EU Policies and Legislation, International Relations and Project Management, promoting the possibility to participate in EU-funded programmes. IHF organises also study groups to Brussels for young graduates, local authorities representatives, SMEs, Universities, promoting mobility activities at different training levels. Since 2004 IHF organised more than 40 study visits to Brussels for more than 500 people. IHF took part as associate partner in previous EU funded projects, contributing mainly to Disseminaton and exploitation activities. IHF provides further assistance through continuous monitoring of EU legislation and European Institution activities, and consequent spread of related information, assistance in the search for partners and building up of networks. Thanks to its presence in Brussels IHF asbl developed relevant experience in the organisation of Dissemination and Valorisation activities at EU level, through contacts with MEPs, other European associations and Institutions, stakeholders, consumers groups etc.
Internet Web Solutions is a leading provider of information technology (IT) and engineering services based in Málaga. Its business plan has received the finalist award from the City of Madrid in the National Business Competition sponsored by IdeCesem Business School. Internet Web Solutions is specialized in domains like Professional Web Design,Web Development,Software Development,E-Commerce Solutions,E-learning projects and SEO strategies.It also provides online marketing solutions and quality translation services. Internet Web Solutions is providing high-tech,custom and quality web design,Outsourced Web Development and Software Development services with latest and emerging Web Technologies,in particular PHP,Java Script,AjAx and newest DHTML IT languages. Internet Web Solutions has a result-oriented team under one roof that comprises of Software/Web/Creative Designers, Developers, SEO Experts, Programmers, Software Developers and Marketing professionals. Our aim is to make IT technology much more accessible to general and specialized public.
Nýheimar voru byggðir árið 2002 og starfaði sem óformlegt samstarfsnet stofnana þar til árið 2013 þegar Nýheimar Þekkingarsetur var stofnað. Þekkingarsetrið er samstarfshattur ólíkra stofnana sem starfa á sviði menntunar, menningar, nýsköpunar og rannsókna á Suðausturlandi. Tólf stofnanir eru aðilar að setrinu sem allar eru þær með sértæka þekkingu og reynslu á sínu sviði. Nýheimar Þekkingarsetur sameinar þessar ólíku stofnanir undir einn hatt í þeim tilgangi að efla samvinnu og skapa öflugt þekkingarsamfélag á landsbyggðinni, stuðla að jákvæðri byggðaþróun á Suðausturlandi og bæta lífsgæði á svæðinu. Eitt af megin viðfangsefnum Nýheima þekkingarseturs er að leiða samstarf þessara stofnana og stýra samstarfsverkefnum þeirra. Starfsemi setursins felur einnig í sér mótun og fjármögnun kjarnaverkefna sem unnin eru að frumkvæði og forsjá setursins. Leggur setrið áherslu á að móta kjarnverkefni sem þykja styðja við menningu, nýsköpun, menntun, rannsóknir, uppbyggingu samfélagsins og að auka möguleika og lífsgæði svæðisins. Þótt starfsemi Þekkingarsetursins snúi fyrst og fremst að nærsamfélagi þess þá hefur það í auknum mæli leitað eftir samstarfi við hliðstæð þekkingarsamfélög annars staðar á landsbyggðinni sem og erlendis. Þátttaka í margvíslegum samstarfsverkefnum er því umfangsmikill hluti starfsseminnar.
Mission Neamt County School Inspectorate entrusts four institutional pylons: THE STUDENTS, THE TEACHER, THE SCHOOL and THE COMMUNITY, having as main aim their personal and professional development.The four elements – school, students, teachers and community – contribute to educating and training citizens whereas ISJ reaches the standards of excellence, enhancing the trust of the beneficiaries through a qualitative educational offer to be the basis of our people’s supreme investment in the future. Vision Neamt County School Inspectorate (ISJ) is the institution to apply the Ministry of Education educational policies, valuing the creative potential of the children, youth, teachers and creating the premises of personal development of the adults in order to give meaning to the aspirations and personal goals throughout their life. Structure A. Institutional management: HR Management, HR Development (AE), Educational projects (including AE), Minorities (including AE). B. Curriculum and school inspection: school subjects (curricular areas and school subjects) and monitoring the programmes for the equal access to education.
Þetta verkefni er unnið með styrk frá Erasmus+, samstarfsáætlun ESB. Útgáfa þessi endurspeglar eingöngu afstöðu höfundar og framkvæmdarstjórn ESB ber enga ábyrgð á því hvernig upplýsingar úr henni eru nýttar.
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