Surely in your daily life you use social networks, such as Twitter or Instagram, but, do you know exactly what a social network is? In this training you will learn about social networks, and you will be able to use them in your benefit in order to improve your employability. You will learn about the types of social networks that exist, which are the most widely used today, and the different uses they can have. You will also explore the hidden side of social networks and the risks you should avoid.
Test Yourself!
Related Glossary:
It is a type of website where content is published periodically in the form of posts or articles, and which usually has a specific theme (fashion blogs, food, sport, travel, IT, etc.). It can be of a personal nature, or used as a digital tool for companies. -
E-commerce is the buying and selling of products or services over the Internet, through e-commerce platforms, social media and other websites. -
The HTTPS protocol (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) enables secure connection and data transfer between the server and the browser. -
SSL certificate:
An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a security protocol that allows the transfer of data between a browser and a web server to take place in a secure and encrypted manner. -
A website is composed of all the web pages of the same domain stored on a server. Colloquially, the terms website and web page are used interchangeably, although they are not exactly the same. - See all terms
Educator Tips:
It is recommended to approach this training in the most practical way possible; given that the target group of the project is young people who are neither studying nor working, between 15 and 29 years old approximately, they will show more interest in what they find useful and entertaining.
Therefore, and taking into consideration that most of them will already use social networks on a daily basis (Instagram, Twitter...), it may be more effective to emphasise curiosities and things that are still unknown to them.
In addition, examples, such as influencers they may know, will draw their attention and help them understand how the world of social media works. Lessons should be dynamic and with constant feedback to keep their attention focused.
Quest 1: This task should be considered from the point of view of an unemployed person, who wants to use LinkedIn to get a job. It is important to focus on the need to be correct in the eyes of employers who may view the learner's profile. The importance of good spelling, providing valuable and relevant information, and showing respect for other users should be emphasised.
Quest 2: In this case, the focus is on entrepreneurship, although it should also not be forgotten that the management of a company's social media can be a potential job in a third party's company. Therefore, although the main focus is on entrepreneurship, the task has to be approached in a dual way.
Social media, employability, networking, privacy, cyberbullying
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Dean, B. (2022). Twitch Usage and Growth Statistics: How Many People Use Twitch in 2022? Backlinko.
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Fernández, R. (2022). Redes sociales con mayor número de usuarios activos a nivel mundial en enero de 2022. Statista.
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Mayordomo, J. (2021). La lista definitiva de estadísticas de LinkedIn para 2022. Findstack.
McLachlan, S. (2022). 23 Estadísticas de YouTube esenciales para este año. Blog Hootsuite.
Rodríguez, M. J. (2022). El uso profesional de las redes sociales. Cursos Femxa.
Wynter, G. (2022). ¿Qué es un influencer? Definición, tipos y ejemplos. Blog HubSpot.
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