SPECIAL Multiplier Event held in Spain: Igniting NEETs participation in societies and labour market

SPECIAL Multiplier Event held in Spain: Igniting NEETs participation in societies and labour market

On 3 March 2023, SPECIAL's Spanish partner, Internet Web Solutions, held a project multiplier event in Malaga, thanks to the collaboration of the associated partner Arrabal AID. The event, entitled "Igniting NEETs participation in societies and labour market: what lessons learning from the SPECIAL project?", was attended by 14 international participants from VET ecosystem.

During the event, a presentation of the SPECIAL project was given, showing its objectives, partners, associates, as well as the different results, among which the Open Educational Resources platform, available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, free of charge, was highlighted together with the advantages of making use of the project results.

The multiplier event allowed participants to expand their perspectives and learn about the project results, mainly innovative training content that incorporates agile thinking as a framework for soft skills development in a flexible, demand-driven and customised way, specifically addressed to target needs and learner-centred.

SPECIAL – Supporting and Promotion EntreComp through Innovative Advanced Learning is a Key Action 2 cooperation project co-funded by the European Union, in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, which brings together 7 partners from 6 countries (Iceland, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Romania and Sweden) with the objective of provide a new training framework for VET operators that is instrumental to reignite NEETs’ sense of iniative, nurture NEETs’ perception of self-awareness and self-efficacy, strengthen NEETs’ flexibility and adaptation to social and market labour dynamics as well as empower their social and life skills while enhancing employability opportunities and entrepreneurial spirits.

News upload date: 03/03/2023




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