Neamt County School Inspectorate

Neamt County School Inspectorate

Neamt County School Inspectorate entrusts four institutional pylons: THE STUDENTS, THE TEACHER, THE SCHOOL and THE COMMUNITY, having as main aim their personal and professional development.The four elements – school, students, teachers and community – contribute to educating and training citizens whereas ISJ reaches the standards of excellence, enhancing the trust of the beneficiaries through a qualitative educational offer to be the basis of our people’s supreme investment in the future.

Neamt County School Inspectorate (ISJ) is the institution to apply the Ministry of Education educational policies, valuing the creative potential of the children, youth, teachers and creating the premises of personal development of the adults in order to give meaning to the aspirations and personal goals throughout their life.

A. Institutional management: HR Management, HR Development (AE), Educational projects (including AE), Minorities (including AE). B. Curriculum and school inspection: school subjects (curricular areas and school subjects) and monitoring the programmes for the equal access to education.

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