




About the Project

SPECIAL targets the design, provision and exploitation of innovative training content that embeds agile thinking as an umbrella framework for soft skill development. SPECIAL design, develop and test training programmes that are flexible, demand-driven, tailored on targets’ needs and learners-centred.

SPECIAL training exploits soft and transversal skills for career development/employability/self-empowerment of NEETs. The project is flexible by design: SPECIAL is adaptable at trans-sectorial and transnational dimension to successfully manage the transition of learners form their condition of “economic” isolation to motivated job-seekers/aspiring entrepreneurs.

To do so, SPECIAL project aims to design, develop, test and validate a new training framework for VET operators that is instrumental to:

  1. reignite NEETs’ sense on initiative
  2. nurture NEETs’ perception of self-awareness and self-efficacy
  3. strengthen NEETs’ flexibility and adaptation to social and market labour dynamics
  4. empower NEETs’ social and life skills
  5. enhance NEETs’ employability opportunities and/or entrepreneurial spirits
  6. increase NEETs’ proficiency in critical and creative thinking for self-employability/job hunting/development of business ideas




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